Vegetable Lasagna – Version I and II
Quick and easy way to prepare lasagna. Tastes even better the next day if there is any leftover!
1 box (16 ounce) lasagna strips
20-24-ounce Italian pasta sauce of your favorite brand
Filling – Version I
8-ounce marble cheese, grated
4-ounce cottage cheese (optional)
1 cup chopped green onions
1 cup chopped cilantro
1-2 tablespoon finely diced green chili (serrano or jalapeno) – optional
10-12oz chopped frozen spinach, cook per package directions then add the following in the spinach:
1 teaspoon ajmo or oregano, depending on your taste – I recommend Ajmo (Ajwain)
1 teaspoon garlic paste
½ teaspoon red chili powder
½ teaspoon turmeric
Salt and pepper, per taste
Boil the lasagna per directions on the package. Drain and set aside.
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.
9X13inch or 10X14 inch casserole dish
How to assemble Version I:
Pour ¼ jar of the pasta sauce in the casserole dish.
Arrange three or four strips of pasta on the sauce.
Spread 1/3 of the spinach mixture on the sauce, dot with 1/3 portion of cottage cheese, ¼ of grated cheese, sprinkle 1/3 cup of green onions, ¼ cup cilantro, some diced chili; Repeat the process three times; Add the last layer of lasagna strips and cover with the remainder sauce. Garnish with some cheese and cilantro
Cover the casserole dish with foil and Bake for 1 hour.
Let the pasta rest for at least 15 minutes before you cut and serve with garlic bread and salad.
Filling – Version II
8-ounce marble cheese, grated
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 zucchini, diced
1 cup cauliflower, chopped
1 cup chopped green onions
1 cup chopped cilantro
1-2 tablespoon finely diced green chili (serrano or jalapeno) – optional
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon ajmo
1 teaspoon garlic paste
½ teaspoon red chili powder
½ teaspoon turmeric
Salt and pepper, per taste
Heat the olive oil in a wok, add the ajmo, garlic paste, bell pepper, zucchini and cauliflower. Add the turmeric and red chili powder and give a quick sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add salt and pepper per taste. Remove from heat.
How to assemble Version II:
Pour ¼ jar of the pasta sauce in the casserole dish.
Arrange three or four strips of pasta on the sauce.
Spread 1/3 sautéed mixture on the sauce, ¼ of grated cheese, sprinkle 1/3 cup of green onions, ¼ cup cilantro, some diced chili; Repeat the process three times; Add the last layer of lasagna strips and cover with the remainder sauce. Garnish with some cheese and cilantro
Cover the casserole dish with foil and Bake for 1 hour.
Let the pasta rest for at least 15 minutes before you cut and serve with garlic bread and salad.
[Either version Serves 8-10]